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Fly choices for trout fishing in our local rivers:-

Do you have difficulty choosing the right fly when you see trout rising?

Sometimes they'll take any approximate imitation, or they might be blinkered on a specific size or colour. Here are two articles to guide you. The Magnificent Seven is based on a well-known book and details seven basic patterns that will serve you well throughout the trout season.

We've also included a link to an excellent web article by Andrew Overend. Andrew has fished the Welsh Dee for many years, building an encyclopaedic knowledge of the fishing seasons on the Dee. He gave a very interesting talk at one of our 2022 Winter Club Nights. The link below takes you to a well designed article about the flies you can expect to see on the Dee (and also on our local rivers). The article includes good identification notes and even a step-by-step fly tying guide for the imitative patterns.

Flies for our River - The Magnificent Seven

Flies for River Fishing - Andrew Overend


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